BDG architecture + design

Working in Moscow Building Regulations - (Norms)

RE: Work with Aurora Group
October 2009

These notes are provided by Dmitri of Aurora, please consult him directly if unsure or in need of further qualification
Dmitri Letov
Projects Director  BDGworkfutures Russia & CIS
M: + 7 925 506 4907 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 

Steps and Ramps

Russian fire norms if there is a difference in floor height then only 2 options are possible: a) 3 or more equal steps (not less than 3 steps because one-two steps can be not noticed by evacuating people) or b) ramp of not more than 1:6 (can be flatter).

Corridor width

Width of corridors / passes must be not less than 1,2 meters, height min 2 meters

Evacuation and doors

 all doors at evacuation route must open towards evacuation direction

If there is more than 50 people in one room/premise it has to have 2 evacuation exits

If there is more than 14 people in the room the doors must open outwards

door in server room must open outwards

any person in the office can evacuate through not more than 3 doors (3rd door must be to evacuation staircase)

NB/ It is not uncommon for doors to open outwards, some international companies see this as a hazard ie doors opening into traffic, therefore careful location and doors and potentially additional signage may be required