CAD & BIM Standards
As Lead Designers and Architects BDG architecture + design uses design authoring software to communicate design intent, and create manageable production information for use by a project team. The suite of software provides a broad spectrum of output ranging from image manipulation to highly intelligent Building Information Models.
The correct and efficient use of these tools is critical to achieving BDG a+d’s mission statement as outlined in the BDG a+d Quality Management System:
“To produce imaginative and innovative design solutions, structured and controlled implementation, delivered in short timescale and at advantageous cost, predominately in the offices, hi tech, pharmaceutical and retail sectors.”
This intranet page and its contents assists in working towards this goal. It contains a series of useful tips, industry literature for reference, and most importantly a number of 'BDG a+d Standards and Procedures' documents. The objective for this information is to provide a set of universal guidelines for creating high level quality documentation and is applicable to all staff at BDG a+d. By following these guidelines the result is effective and good quality production information that is carefully managed, and improves collaboration with the project team.
Collaborative Working
BDG a+d are committed to collaborative working and understand that efficient collaboration is vital when creating design and production information amongst a project team. There are proven savings in both time and cost if the creation and management of information is carefully planned. If all the disciplines answer the following basic questions it will go a long way to efficient collaborative working:
Exactly what information is required?Why is the information required?Who needs the information and when?
The priorities for producing effective data is not determined by the design, but by the quality of the production information and the processes in managing that information. This allows all project team members to understand the design and construction intent at ALL stages of projects life-cycle. Therefore the effective use of design authoring software and following the provided guidelines is essential.
Remember that the end goal is client satisfaction, and your role in providing good information and working cooperatively is vital to achieving that end.